Treasure Article - Enlightening the Hidden Treasure

I Don’t Have Time!

Dark Light

Remember one thing, folks! For people who say that we don’t have time, Don’t lie to yourself! You’re not as busy as it seems to be. If one of your friends or family replies to you all the time by stating, “I don’t have time,” well, it is another way of saying, ‘it’s not a priority or ‘I am not interested’ open rejection. “I don’t have time” is a very significant way to lose trust and honour.

Quintessentially, your day-to-day routine is a reflection of your priorities in life. Thus, if it is essential, you will see that you will try to make time. Being too much busy can damage your credibility and reliability.

For example, If you had asked your colleague or a friend at the office to help you fetch a client’s contact details or files. You know he could have bought time – he didn’t want to. But he responded, “Sorry mate, I don’t have time” how will that make you feel? Yes, you would have felt neglected.

To say ‘I don’t have time” is a sign of avoiding or neglecting a responsibility. If this becomes a common occurrence, people eventually will stop asking for your help. “I don’t have time” might put a strain on relationships you’ve damaged your credibility and reliability.

Some people genuinely don’t have time, but some have ample time to gossip about any seeing and known things and criticize anything in society, whether good or bad. And primarily, they blame the excellent happenings and further try to tarnish them.   

Today social media has looted half of your time and made you busier in vain things than ever before. It has been revealed many paper tigers (Whatsapp warriors) are just sitting inside their dens and roaring without any action and giving vague opinions of change through the social network to be mediocre. Such people never sacrifice their comfort zone for a few hours.

God says: “I swear by the time, most surely man is in loss, except those who believe & do good, & enjoin on each other truth, & enjoin on each other patience.” (Surah Al-Asr: 103). 

We are in a state of loss if we do not teach the discipline of time in our lives. And those people who realize the value of time are the people of faith & those who do righteous deeds. 

However, if you’re legitimately overwhelmed with work, be honest and never say, “I don’t have time.” Let the person know you are hard at work. You are finishing the deadlines of a project or any function. And offer a specific date or time when you could help.

If you want to build and maintain trust, you need to stop using the “I don’t have time” excuse. Be transparent about your schedule. Even if you don’t feel you have contributed much, just five minutes of your time will go a long way with your colleagues.

We need to collect where we are, what are we doing, how much time have we wasted & what have we achieved. If you live until the age of 75 years, that’s 27,000 days. Don’t sell your hereafter for 27,000 days. Getting your Act together & Act today is the key.


  1. Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 176]
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Zeeshan Aga

Hi, there & Peace! If we haven't met, my name is Mr Zeeshan Aga, a regular man with three kids, a husband, qualified enough, and a fresh writer from Bangalore City, India. I have been writing at for quite a few months. Along the way, I have failed and the same time, accomplished a lot in life. I want to express my thoughts, reveal some simplistic research on various issues and subjects, and share quotes and analyses of famous leaders, intellectuals, and scholars. And shape the articles with reasoning and solutions to benefit and resonate like a guide to the human race. I request God’s absolution and your pardoning in any weakness that my words might have.

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