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The Lust for Fame!

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The Lust for Fame Destroys a Person!

In this day and time, where the youthful and the old wish to become stars, the possibility of distinction or being popular has become more target-driven for anything you do throughout everyday life.

Are you after fame? What is fame? 

To be well known in the public eye, or to have a large number of followers on social media, and for a few people to know that you exist in this world. Verily there are two types of fame: Good fame and bad fame. Good fame is praiseworthy means; someone who performs good deeds serves humanity, serves the society or nation, Achieves many accolades, and thus gets praised on account of it. Bad fame means people have the wrong idea of who you are. And Bad fame brings evil.

Yes, Indeed, Fame can be the most fantastic thing which could happen in one’s life. In a blink, it can change a person’s condition and status. It uplifts and boosts the person’s personality and confidence to 100%. 

Overnight Fame Game!

The famous immediately becomes recognized overnight, and the people crave his one glimpse or for his one word and people drawn towards him. The secret world of prosperity opens for him. A type of emotional attachment is automatically born in people’s hearts. He drastically becomes a well-renowned name in every household and gains peoples’ confidence and trust. Every word or act he does will be cherished, honoured, copied, and replicated. And indirectly or directly, in a sense, he is controlling them and manipulating the people in good or bad.

Fame ruins Privacy

The famous is monitored for every act and move, for every word uttered, for every endorsement he achieves, for everything he does, even if they walk casually or freshens up that he does get recorded. People see them as their ideal even when it makes no sense. His Bank balance takes flight and thus becomes in charge and the boss of all.

The famous, don’t have a private life of their own. They always crave and become nostalgic that they once used to go out in the open street without any spotlight, and no one knew them and how safe was the days of the past. 

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: “Being Famous suffices to make of man a sinner, for good fame makes him slip unless the exalted God showers His Mercy on him, & bad fame brings him evil.” (2)

Not only does fame cater to your ego, but it also provides the platform to make significant changes in the world. A term we have all coined in our statements is: I want to change the world. And I doubt if there is any most beautiful feeling than this in the world. Verily, there’s nothing wrong with being famous for the right reasons, such as bringing about change in society, justice, or benefiting others.

Do you know your grandparents’ names five generations up?

Few people want to become celebrities or act like one just for the mere sake and become famous, but fame in this world is meaningless. It’s an illusion. It’s fake. And even if you do achieve some notoriety, it will be short-lived. And like everything else on this Earth, it will eventually fade away. Look at the people of the past. How many celebrities from the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s, and even the ’80s can you recall? Let alone the centuries of people before them. 

Likewise, in the same way, you fail to know the names of your great-grandparents five generations up. Similarly, your grandkids five generations down won’t know yours. The past crossed over the way with great prosperity, and success and disappeared from the sights forever.

A great leader of Arabia, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH), states: “Refrain & avoid fame-seeking & striving for power, as these two invite man towards annihilation (destruction) (1).”

Fame changes people.

As an individual, if you haven’t defined who you are, your values, and your beliefs, fame will subject you to its definition. 

Fame shall feed your soul a mirage-like drug that’s aimed to get you high and leave you wanting more. You get high off the praises and approval of men, and this becomes how you start to define yourself. Unconsciously, you subject yourself to people-pleasing till one day, all you see is a carcass of yourself, wholly unrecognizable. Being famous among people doesn’t help you in any way. It just feeds your ego & makes you sink deep into a dark hole of insecurity, where you always try to please others. 

 Fame exposes who you are on the inside to the world. It reveals your weaknesses, vulnerabilities, mistakes, and history to a world waiting to tear you apart. 

Human beings often have the desire to feel they are better than others. This desire for superiority stems and leads to evil and, eventually strengthened by Satan’s whisperings, who himself was guilty of false superiority. The desire for power could be in any aspect; fame, wealth, possessions, knowledge, beauty, popularity, etc. It could range from wanting to have a better car than others to outdoing others in an argument.

Fame does not quench the pain or Praise!

Fame does not quench the pain that’s inside you; it is not fulfilling; it is a longing, an insatiable desire for more until the ride ends. Thus, your credibility can not be proven by the number of your fans, followers, etc. It’s verified through your work & the solid evidence that you present. Popularity or fame is never a sign of righteousness; in fact, it is often the opposite.

1400 years ago, a great leader of Arabia, Imam Jaffer As-Sadiq (PBUH), once said: “If possible lead such a life that people do not recognize you” (3).

Fame does not affect the people who are confident in who they are and what they want in life. They set boundaries and never are being affected by the praise of men and the world. They concentrate and focus on their excellent mission and purpose in life. In doing this, fame does not have a defining factor. Hence they achieve a lot of good with the platform it puts in care.

Indeed, there is the best way to be remembered forever, in a way that does last forever. How? Living a life full of purpose and fulfilment is an ultimate way of life not found in fame. If you want to be famous in the pages of history, be a celebrity with God by helping or building projects which help & benefit Society like Schools, Universities, Hospitals, Orphanage, books, Road, Institutions, & many more. And God will put in the hearts of people to remember you. 

Be Famous for good but not for evil or bad. Bring in progressive sunshine for a better tomorrow, sustainable solutions, prosperous & futuristic projects/schemes, and helping the society and family towards the highest pinnacle of fame & glory in all fields & spheres of life is the key.


  1. Bihar ul Anwar, Vol 78, P 371
  2. Nahj Al Fasahah
  3. Mikyalul Makarim p. 58
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Zeeshan Aga

Hi, there & Peace! If we haven't met, my name is Mr Zeeshan Aga, a regular man with three kids, a husband, qualified enough, and a fresh writer from Bangalore City, India. I have been writing at for quite a few months. Along the way, I have failed and the same time, accomplished a lot in life. I want to express my thoughts, reveal some simplistic research on various issues and subjects, and share quotes and analyses of famous leaders, intellectuals, and scholars. And shape the articles with reasoning and solutions to benefit and resonate like a guide to the human race. I request God’s absolution and your pardoning in any weakness that my words might have.

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