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Sexual problems & Sexual arousals of youth

Dark Light

You pervert, what are you talking about? Yes, I am talking about sexual problems and Sexual arousal of the youth. Indeed this article reflects my feelings and experiences in life. Alright, now, in this 21st century of Mass media, it’s essential to speak out about your sexual problems and get solutions; for sure, it’s no more a taboo today.

A very pious preacher of Iran, Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi, says: “We know that the youth is in a period of crisis of instincts, especially sexual instinct.” If this instinct is not guided correctly, it would have the worst stroke on the felicity & happiness of the youth. Their creative powers will diminish like unopened buds, & their ingenuity & innovation which could be the source of numerous honours for them or the society will be certainly wasted.” 

An expert in psychology, Dr Shirazi, says: “Youths face many complicated issues, out of which is Sex. Sexual arousal begins in the brain by imagining, touching, watching, feeling, and by the body’s hormones. And there are several other sexual temptations and incitements which blow the fire of lust into the temperament of youth.”

In this 21st century with greater intermingling between sexes, the greater the awareness due to the Internet, TV, social media, the scenes on the streets, in homes, and sexual propaganda, with children reaching “mental & physical maturity level” much earlier than before, nudity in advertisements and magazines, newspapers, cinemas, films, Pornography, & entertaining stories on television (soap opera) all this together act as an effective role model towards evil which distracts and spoils youths creativity and mindset to progress. To avoid these dangers, the child should not unnecessarily become prey to fear, dread, and artificial arousal. Still, he should fight this evil habit with all his might, determination, and complete faith.

As a result of which, the youth of this new world faces too much sexual arousal. Even adults and the old are in these insane illusions. But in the ancient period (earlier times), under the influence of religious and spiritual training, social system & etiquettes, when youth had sexual desires or arousal, they used to subdue them & control themselves. Very rarely, they drew themselves near to sexual incitements. 

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) said: “The period of the youth is from the stages of obsession” (1). The youth are significantly underestimated and we constantly complain about how lost they are, but when you sit & talk to them: They have the purest hearts and a strong sense of social justice. Never abandon or Desert the Youth, but focus on identifying where the pains of this generation lie. Identify the intellectual pains, academic pains, and social pains, meaning those things that trouble today’s youth, which did not plague the youth of the past. Never abandon the youth, instead work on them by connecting & improving them. If we mentor them properly, they will change the world. 

A famous clergy leader of the Shia world Ayatollah Sistani says: “Do not waste your youth without learning a trade or speciality. Please do not waste it in play & negligence. Do your work with interest, attention & enjoyment and Give time & serve society” Future of every community & nation depends on its youth. If the youth is good (Spiritual), the nation will survive. 

Imam Ali (PBUH), cousin of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) said: “Almighty God has created the sexual desire in 10 parts; then He gave nine parts to women & one to men. And if the Almighty God had not given the women equal parts of shyness, then each man would have nine women related to him.” (2).

Religious and spiritual training through any Institution, workshops & social, and societal activities can help the youth, teens, adults, boys & girls, and men & women towards a peaceful & controllable pious & poised life in this world. Mentoring and moulding the youth is the Golden key.

Imam Ali (PBUH) said: “There are two things whose size & price are unknown except to one who has lost them: One is youth and the other, health” (3).


  1. Al-Ikhtisas, Page 343 
  2. Wasa’il, vol. 14, p.40
  3. Sharh Ghurar al-Hikam, V.4, P.183
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Zeeshan Aga

Hi, there & Peace! If we haven't met, my name is Mr Zeeshan Aga, a regular man with three kids, a husband, qualified enough, and a fresh writer from Bangalore City, India. I have been writing at for quite a few months. Along the way, I have failed and the same time, accomplished a lot in life. I want to express my thoughts, reveal some simplistic research on various issues and subjects, and share quotes and analyses of famous leaders, intellectuals, and scholars. And shape the articles with reasoning and solutions to benefit and resonate like a guide to the human race. I request God’s absolution and your pardoning in any weakness that my words might have.

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