The Lust for Fame Destroys a Person! In this day and time, where the youthful and the old …
The Adventures of King Zulqarnain (PBUH)
Zulqarnain – The King who ruled the World. Zulqarnain’s kingdom was a Superpower on Earth! Zulqarnain was a …
Good Attraction and Bad Attraction
LGBT in the 21st Century LGBT is shorthand for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, Same-Sex marriage & culture. …
The Lust for Fame!
The Lust for Fame Destroys a Person! In this day and time, where the youthful and the old …
Sir Mirza Ismail – The Man who Beautified Bengaluru City
In the 20th Century, a farsighted Diwan (Head of the state) of the then regal and princely State …
I Don’t Have Time!
Remember one thing, folks! For people who say that we don’t have time, Don’t lie to yourself! You’re …
Fanaticism Rarely Leads to Truth.
Fanaticism means: or is referred to as extreme beliefs or behaviour connected with something, whether it is about …
Communication is the key to everything you do in life.
Change your words, Change your life! People will remember you just from the way you have communicated with …
Indian Women in Sports
Indian Women’s participation in sports has a long history. It is a history marked by discrimination and division …
The Magnificent Wonders of the Human Body
The Magnificent Wonders of the human body created by God are incredibly smart machines. It functions without consciously …